Rabbi Jen Gubitz

Boston, MA

Jen (she/her) pursues a rabbinate committed to elevating Jewish wisdom's capacity to speak to our human condition. Through young adult engagement, Jewish learning and pastoral care, Jen’s welcoming vibe weaves ritual and lifecycle experiences full of music, poetry, honesty, and humor.


About Jen

An Indiana Hoosier at heart, Jen is a product of the Reform Jewish movement's summer camping system and a graduate of Indiana University's Borns Jewish Studies program. She was ordained in 2012 by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (NY) where she was a Tisch Rabbinical Fellow and wrote her thesis on Jewish death education for children. Jen has training in community organizing and recently completed GLEAN, an MBA-level entrepreneurship certificate program taught through partnership with Columbia Business School. She is currently completing an intensive certificate in Family Systems Therapy through Therapy Training Boston.

Jen co-hosts the OMfG Podcast: Jewish Wisdom for Unprecedented Times and her writing appears in the Boston Globe, OnBeing, Lilith Magazine, Jewish Daily Forward, and the Mussar Torah Commentary. She lives in Boston with her husband Matan and their rescue dog, Joey.