Beloved Seeds

New Series Starts January 2025!

Beloved Seeds is a year-long course in creating a new project through the lens of Beloved values, taught on the second Tuesday of every month, by Beloved leaders, Rabbi Sara Luria & Kohenet Keshira haLev Fife.

Want to learn more about what content you can expect when you join us for Seeds? Click here to reveal our 2025 Seeds schedule or click the link below to register.

The Pathway For Our Seeds:

January 14: Where Should We Begin? ;-)  

February 11: Listening

March 11: Creating Leaderful Projects and

April 8: Telling The Story of Our Work

May 13: Attuning To Our Bodies/ Somatics of Leadership 

4 sessions on money:

June 10: Money Histories

July & August: Blossoms Meet ~ No Seeds

September 9: Creating Prospect Lists and Making an Ask

October 14: Budgeting and Fiscal Sponsorship

November 11: Structuring Your Project and Your Life to be Financially Sustainable

December 9: A Taste of Liberation

Are you ready
to join us?
Click here
to register